The Young Heroes: 12 Kids and a Dog Recognized for Their Crime-Busting Deeds

A group of kids, dubbed the “Tremendous Twelve,” became unexpected heroes when they helped police capture two burglars in Surrey. During an Easter egg hunt, the children, aged six to twelve, noticed a police helicopter searching for suspects nearby. They quickly formed a human arrow on the ground, pointing in the direction of the fleeing men. The pilot spotted their signal and guided officers on the ground to apprehend the burglars.

The children, who included a Yorkshire terrier named Molly in their adventures, felt proud of their quick thinking. Their parents and police praised their initiative, and their story gained popularity online, drawing comparisons to scenes from Scooby-Doo or an Enid Blyton book. Sergeant Paul Sochon of Surrey Police acknowledged that the kids’ clever action was crucial in the arrest.

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